

Learning & Teaching Strategies

1. 重視日常課業,學生必須盡力及準時完成課業; 
2. 清晰目標支援學習。透過預計公開試成績,老師協助學生確立升學方向,提升學習積極性; 
3. 學習要持續和進深,所有學會活動均課程化,要求學生有持續、進深學習經歷; 
4. 全校參與推動閱讀,措施包括全校早讀及老師閱讀分享等: 
5. 學生欠交功課,須即日留校補做,老師會提供適切輔導: 
6. 各級全面在中英數推行小班教學,並以漸進的方式提升學生專題研習和閱讀能力,重點培養學生的高階思維。除提供不同類型的學科和活動供同學選修和參與外,亦強調課程和活動的發展性,使學生不斷遞進,接觸不同的學習經歷。

To further enhance our teaching quality, we implement small class teaching and group lesson preparation schemes to cater for individual differences. Students’ high order thinking skills are developed through a step-by-step approach to promote our project learning and reading schemes. We strive to provide a balanced curriculum, emphasizing students’ gradual development and exposure to various learning experiences. We lay great emphasis on homework quality and submission punctuality. Students with homework problems are required to attend the after-school homework guidance class. With teachers’ anticipation of their public exams performance, students are further motivated to work with attainable goals. Students’ learning experiences are extended and intensified strategically through careful grading and design of activities. Reading culture is promoted through a whole-school approach, including the Morning Reading Scheme and regular teachers’ sharing.