

語 文 政 策
Whole-school Language Policy

高中按班別及學科推行母語或英語教學。本校成功申請兩項語文基金共達330萬,完善英語學與教。本校老師上學年分別獲香港大學及教育局邀請分享英語銜接教學設計,獲高度評價。回應語言微調,本校 中一各班綜合科學及綜合人文科推行英語教學,不論課業,測考均主要以英文設計,務求學生將來在高中能使用英文學習該兩領域學科。當學生升讀中二及中三時,學校或會因應學生表現,安排部分班別繼續使用英文學習或轉用母語授課。

Both junior and the senior students learn either in Chinese or English depending on the ability of the class. Students can have their English proficiency and confidence heightened through various enrichment programs/ activities and the 3.3 million-dollar English Enhancement Fund. Our teachers were invited by Hong Kong University and EDB to share our English Bridging Program design, which is highly commended. In response to the modified MOI policy, EMI mode is adopted for Integrated Science and Integrated Humanities for all Form One classes, with teaching, homework and assessments all in English to facilitate students’ learning of these two disciplines at the senior levels. Based on students’ performance, at Form Two and Three, the school would let some classes keep using EMI for these subjects.